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Arrowroot Powder on Skin, Arrowroot Powder Substitute For Maranta Arundinacea

Arrowroot Powder on Skin, Arrowroot Powder Substitute For Maranta Arundinacea

What is Arrowroot Powder

A starch obtained from the rootstock of the tropical plant Maranta Arundinacea is called Arrowroot.

Uses of Arrowroot Powder (Maranta Arundinacea) in various beauty and cosmetics products.

Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot powder would be your good choice in case you are in search of a natural way to glorify your skin and its appearance.  In fact, numerous products are being formulated with Maranta Arundinacea Powder which is derived from Arrowroot.

Plenty of skincare or other products can possibly be made from arrowroot powder, for example, body scrubs, facial masks, and even shampoo.

Arrowroot Powder For Hair

For numerous hair care products use of arrowroot powder has shown positive results and has been found to be an effective thing.  The ability to absorb excessive oil from hairs and render the hairs a lustrous look is a great merit of Arrowroot powder. Not only is it used as a shampoo but it is also found to be effective as a dry shampoo.

Arrowroot Powder On Skin

Arrowroot powder is a soft, white fine powder derived from the roots of a plant called Maranta Arundinacea.  It has been used for centuries, especially in the preparation of beauty products it has a history as being a natural remedy for several skin conditions.

Arrowroot Powder is believed to possess plenty of benefits for human skin.  For example, in a scrub or facial mask form it helps exfoliate and enhances skin tone as well as soothes rashes, sunburns, and some other skin-related irritations.

Arrowroot Powder usage in beauty products naturally plays a vital role in absorbing excessive oil and smoothening up the finished product.

Maranta Arundinacea, as it comes from a plant, has been in traditional herbal medicine for decades because of skin benefits from its powder's vitamins and minerals.

Arrowroot powder is non-irritating and therefore suitable for most types of human skin especially when utilized topically it brings advantages in the form of soothening the skin as well as declines inflammation.

Arrowroot powder's role in the improvement of digestion and overall health can be justified due to its special characteristic which is being a natural probiotic which means it supports nourishing the good bacteria in the human gut.

So using arrowroot powder may bring positive results in case you are in search of a natural way to enhance your skin health.


Arrowroot powder is observed to be a starchy substance that is derived from the rootstock of a tropical plant popular as Maranta Arundinacea. At the time the arrowroot is to be harvested, it looks like other underground tuber plants such as yucca, kudzu, or cassava which are typically oblong in shape.

But necessary to note how its main starch is extracted, which is not like cornstarch. The extraction process of arrowroot powder is quite simple and a traditional method it is without the utilization of harsh chemicals or high heat.

In some cases, arrowroot powder is also known as arrowroot starch or arrowroot flour and they both are the same thing. Arrowroot powder is simply white in color and powdery starch and is grain-free, vegan paleo-friendly, and gluten-free.

Arrowroot Powder Substitute


Nowadays Arrowroot powder is becoming famous in the Western world because people are searching for substitutes for cornstarch, perhaps sensitivities or due to corn allergies or to avoid anything harmful related to GMO and pesticide-laden.

Cornstarch is traditionally used as a thickener in cooking dishes like gravies, sauces, and stews. However, arrowroot powder is a much better thickener and can easily be replaced with cornstarch. 

Some reasons make it a much better alternative to cornstarch as arrowroot powder possesses no taste at all and leaves the food clear and glossy, whereas cornstarch keeps a slight taste and leaves the food opaque and cloudy.


Arrowroot powder keeps versatile characteristics, so it is not just only a thickener but also can be used in baking, most people typically add arrowroot powder to their foodstuff as a blend with other different flours, like coconut flour, almond flour, and tapioca flour for the baking of bread and dessert related recipes.

It is observed that arrowroot powder can certainly stand alone on its own in lesser quantities.  So arrowroot powder will be your good choice in case you would like to prepare dishes crunchy or crispy by just coating things like sweet potato fries with arrowroot powder compound.

Arrowroot powder can also be mixed with a blend of different dried herbs to coat chicken prior to frying it.


Because arrowroot Powder is derived from the rootstock of a plant and it is not a grain, a large number of people particularly people who have digestive issues or food sensitivities have found that intake of arrowroot powder is relatively easy digestible.

And because Arrowroot powder also contains more proportion of fiber than other starches or potatoes, it keeps things “moving” and supports staving off hunger.

Arrowroot powder besides containing other minerals also found to contain a handsome amount of iron, potassium, and B vitamins, which makes it great for circulation heart health, and metabolism.  Research studies have even found that arrowroot powder can stimulate the immune cells and help boost the human immune system.

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